In relation to today's prompt, if you listen to others but also take time to hear yourself and your own inner voice, you can use this to help grow your creative self.
How can you 'hear yourself' and also listen to others? Journaling and meditation can be helpful in this regard, along with mindfulness exercises - though I seem to be recommending that combination a lot lately. Yoga also emphasises aspects of meditation which can help you to get closer to your true inner self.
In similar terms, the book 'Hear Yourself' (Prem Rawat; published by HarperCollins) suggests walks in nature and taking a few moments each day to be aware of what you are grateful for - among other methods.
So what forms of writing might allow you to express this process of hearing yourself or listening to others?
Perhaps an epistolary poem (laid out like a letter), or something more dialogic (a poem laid out like a conversation or question and answer session)?
Presumably, though, if you have taken time to listen to yourself, the 'right' form will come to you.
Joining poetry circles is also a great way to listen to others via their constructive feedback on your work; in one study (Vetter & Meacham, 2018), the authors found that reflective conversations are also powerful in helping writers "to construct...knowledge and identities" and that this is "critical practice for...motivation and success".
So listen and hear more...and grow your creative self.
Word prompts:
White noise
Remember, our prompts are only suggestions: you can find your inspiration wherever your muse leads you. Please visit the other participants, share the hashtag #OctPoWriMo on social media, and share your link in the comments below. Let us know how this journey into poetry is going for you and if this is your first year or if you have been with us from the beginning.
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