Today's theme is Simple Pleasures. I find that the older I become, the more I appreciate simple pleasures. My list includes all sorts of things like spending time in nature, spending time with loved ones, reading, and writing. It's such an easy way to reset and find peace especially during hectic times. I also find inspiration in each of these activities.
The idea of simple is key. Taking advantage of opportunities imbedded in everyday life makes these rewards that much easier, but there is an element of commitment involved. Self-care isn't always at the top of the priority list however much it should be. A moment spent on things that make you happy is well worth the investment. What would you include on your list of Simple Pleasures? Are these activities you make time for or do you take things as they come? How do Simple Pleasures enhance your life?
Word Prompts:
Suggested Poetry Form: free verse
Remember, our prompts are only suggestions: you can find your inspiration wherever your muse leads you. Please visit the other participants, share the hashtag #OctPoWriMo on social media, and share your link in the comments below. Let us know how this journey into poetry is going for you and if this is your first year or if you have been with us from the beginning.
My poem for Simple pleasures...
Thanks everyone who contributed and offered prompts. It was much appreciated, as usual. Enjoy writing poetry and see you in April!