Sunday, September 10, 2017

Move Your Body, Move Your Words

Tonight I put on some good, fast paced music and got up and danced. I wanted to loosen up my body and my words as I had a preassigned appointment with a writing friend. We planned a meet up on Twitter so that we could write for 30 minutes, check in, write for 30 more and check in again. Have you paired up with a writing buddy before? I have to tell you it can add hundreds if not thousands of words more every time you meet up to write. I wrote over 2200 words in an hour.

Image and quote by MDragonwillow.
Now you may think you can't do that with poetry, I beg to differ. Most of those words were writing poetry from prompts. I had a whole list posted next to me so that I could look up the next one as I finished one poem so I could move right into the next poem. Not all of them are great poems, though I think I have some gold in within the words, but I have poems I can go back over, play with some more, until I feel they are ready.

I challenge you to find one person, just one, that you can meet online at a specified time and write for at least 30 minutes. See how many more words fly to the page.

Time for the Indie ebook:

Letting Go is an Acquired Taste by Christina Hart

OctPoWriMo is 20 days away, have you Linked Up yet?

Put on some music, dance, and then sit down to write, you never know where your words will lead you.

Morgan Dragonwillow, author of Wild Woman Waking & Dancing within Shadow, is a Bodywork transformer, dancing poet, motivator of words, magical instigator and creatrix of #OctPoWriMo & #PoetsonthePage. You can find out more about her and how she can help you "move your body, move your words" on her website, Read, Dance, Write.
Yes, she is on Google+ too!

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