Friday, September 15, 2017

Have You Ever Watched Poetry and Felt it in Your Gut?

I watched the video Graffiti Verite 6: The Odyssey: Poets, Passion, and  Poetry on Netflix back in 2012 and was transfixed to the screen. 31 poets speaking their truth of their passion, their poetry. My stomach tightened as I felt a familiarity with these poets that was out of time. My blood pulsed in my veins as I listened and felt their heat. My creative juices began to move and flow.

Wanda Coleman chants her poetry with such vigor that I feel it in my heart. FrancEye speaks into why she writes her poetry to discover who she is. Who am I? Do you know who you are?

Shahe Mankerian shares his passion with his students. He believes a red pen to poetry is like the page bleeding to which no band-aid can fix. No more red pens to poetry.

Take time to watch this fascinating documentary that is like no other and then make notes of what comes up for you; what begs to come through you in your own poetry. This is available on Amazon to rent or buy.

Honestly, I will most likely rent this myself because it has been so long since I watched this.

Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine, sit back and see what world this video opens for you. 

Have you signed up to participate in this Poetry Challenge? The time is drawing near, sign up and join us in this wonderful adventure into words.

------------------------------------*Above Reblogged from OctPoWriMo 2012.

Time for today's Indie Ebook!

I Love You In Paris by Juliette Sobanet

Life has been a little out of wack lately including this morning my granddaughter had to have eye surgery. But isn't that the way life usually is, something is always standing in the road waiting to block our path. It is up to you and me to keep our foot on the gas pedal (or hybrid pedal) and keep on moving forward. Here is to you and me moving forward, writing poetry, and expressing in words what isn't always easy expressing in life.

Morgan Dragonwillow, author of Wild Woman Waking & Dancing within Shadow, is a Bodywork transformer, dancing poet, motivator of words, magical instigator and creatrix of #OctPoWriMo & #PoetsonthePage. You can find more about her on her website, Read, Dance, Write.
Yes, she is on Google+ too!

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