Friday, September 21, 2018

OctPoWriMo - Poetry Possibilities

Poetry comes to us bringing life, and focuses on giving us a better understanding of life. Between poetry and other genres of literature there is one sharp distinction. Poetry writing is a friend to all writers. Engrossing and honest, poetry extends universally to all members of society. Poetry exists to communicate significant experience imaginatively and creatively, deepening our knowledge of the senses more poignantly. ~Why Poetry is So Important
From September 22, 2013:

This morning I am struggling with how to explain why I believe poetry is so important. Once again Google shows itself to be helpful and I found the above article. It probably does a much better job than I ever could of explaining why poetry is so important to you as an individual and as a community. I hope you decide to check it out.

We have a little over a week until OctPoWriMo begins. I am getting so excited about all the poetry that will be written and shared (though you don't have to share) over the coming month. October has been one of my favorite months for many years. The weather is cooler, the fall colors are spreading across the country side, children are getting ready for Halloween, and the time of family gatherings are just around the corner. All of which are fodder for poetry.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Why Do You Write Poetry?

This year I've decided to share some of my favorite poetry tips from years past during the countdown.  Why do you write poetry?

For some people writing poetry is playful or about love and roses. For me it is about the shadows. It is about diving into what is painful, what is hard.

What is it about poetry, the freedom of writing words onto a page, arranging them, having them flow up

and down,

back and                                                 forth.

filling them with emotions

until they drip with the edges of our sanity. But in writing them down, in allowing them to be, you end up saving yourself. At least that is how I feel sometimes.

I write poetry to decipher my feelings, to understand why I feel the way I do. Why do you write poetry?

 OctPoWiMo Countdown: 21 Days

Have you signed up?

OctPoWriMo Link up

Willow Althea a.k.a Morgan Dragonwillow, is a poet, survivor, rebel dancing with words, lover of all things magical, recovering perfectionist, and indie author that (mostly) doesn't let her fears get in the way of her passion for writing and creating. She is a word encourager at @StoryDam and creatrix of #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage. She lives in Acworth, Ga.

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Friday, September 7, 2018

OctPoWriMo 2018 Countdown!

It is that time of year again, for poets all over the world to write 31 poems in 31 days! OctPoWriMo begins in 24 days! We will be doing a countdown here on OctPoWriMo, sharing tips, books, and more.

Photo by MDragonwillow

If you are one of those brave souls who would like to volunteer to help write tips, prompts, read the participants poetry and leave encouraging words, message me on Facebook or Twitter.

You might notice I've recently changed my name from Morgan Dragonwillow to Willow Althea on Facebook and Twitter. The transition isn't complete but I am slowly changing things over. I will probably keep Morgan Dragonwillow for my poetry books, but everything else will be Willow Althea. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Someday I will post on my blog about the why of it.

Head on over and link up for OctPoWriMo now!


*this post also on

Willow Althea, a.k.a. Morgan Dragonwillow, author of Wild Woman Waking & Dancing within Shadow, is a Bodywork transformer, dancing poet, motivator of words, magical instigator and creatrix of #OctPoWriMo & #PoetsonthePage. Collaborate with your soul and get your words on the page. 
Yes, she is on Google+ too!
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