Monday, September 10, 2018

Why Do You Write Poetry?

This year I've decided to share some of my favorite poetry tips from years past during the countdown.  Why do you write poetry?

For some people writing poetry is playful or about love and roses. For me it is about the shadows. It is about diving into what is painful, what is hard.

What is it about poetry, the freedom of writing words onto a page, arranging them, having them flow up

and down,

back and                                                 forth.

filling them with emotions

until they drip with the edges of our sanity. But in writing them down, in allowing them to be, you end up saving yourself. At least that is how I feel sometimes.

I write poetry to decipher my feelings, to understand why I feel the way I do. Why do you write poetry?

 OctPoWiMo Countdown: 21 Days

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OctPoWriMo Link up

Willow Althea a.k.a Morgan Dragonwillow, is a poet, survivor, rebel dancing with words, lover of all things magical, recovering perfectionist, and indie author that (mostly) doesn't let her fears get in the way of her passion for writing and creating. She is a word encourager at @StoryDam and creatrix of #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage. She lives in Acworth, Ga.

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  1. I write to exorcise my pain, to let others know they are not alone if they feel a certain way, to try to describe something I'm not quite sure how to explain (finding the words through poetry allows me to name it), but most of all, and quite simply, to be heard. In much of my life I've never been 'allowed' an opinion or to speak what I feel because I was told I was/am always wrong. And I know that's not true but still it is said and implied. So I write to speak and have a voice. To let others know what I am going through and see if anyone replies. I need to know I'm being heard and poetry has always given me that.

  2. I used to write poetry to exorcise my demons. And to bring awareness to mental health. For some reason, my voice is gone. I no longer write. But I want to try again, maybe with a different message. Maybe the same message, but in a different voice. We'll see how it goes.


Your words feed the hearts of the poets who lovingly volunteer to share their passion for poetry with you.

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