Saturday, October 20, 2012

Writing Poetry Day 20 - Playing With Words

As most of you probably know I've been a bit stuck with my words the last week. Well, actually, I've been a bit stuck in the in-between that I can do on occasion. Today I was determined to become unstuck and decided to hop on over to the Shadow Poetry page of different types of poetry. I love this page but I still don't visit it often.

I played with a piece of art I created last year and
came up with something new and different.
I call it Streams of Love.
Today I read about Shape Poetry, Tanka, Haiku, Diatelle and Essence.  I also discovered the Rhyme Zone; a fascinating place to go if you are having trouble finding a rhyming word. So let's play with words today, let's form them, shape them, count them, rhyme them and turn them this way and that; until you discover something new and different and have a a lot of fun doing it!

Poetry Prompt: Choose an older poem, or two, of your own. Go to the Shadow Poetry page and randomly select several, oh let's say from 3 to 5 at minimum, of different types of poetry. Then pick one or maybe even two, making sure it is something that intrigues you and doesn't feel loaded with rules or overly hard; this is suppose to be fun. And then play to your heart's content creating something new with your old poem. You can also do this with a new poem of course. The thing about rules here at OctPoWriMo is that they are meant to be bent or even broken. We are here to stir your imagination not box it in. So let your imagination FLY!

Word Prompt: Play

Sentence Starters: 

Playing with words I see...

The words dance on the page...

You can share your poetry here in the linky, with the Writing Poetry Group on Facebook, and/or with the hashtag #OctPoWriMo on Twitter. Always remember, I.Believe.In.You!

Thank you for sharing and recommending before you leave.

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