Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Writing Poetry Day 10 - Morning Muse

“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” ~Anton Chekhov

This is something I aspire to, to expand my writing and poetry into all of the feeling, sensing realms as Julie Jordan Scott talks about in many of her hints, tips, and prompts to inspire yours and our poems. So very glad she joined us for this wonderful poetic adventure! 

The body is a wondrous place for our soul to reside. It feels on so many levels and it is a wealth of material for our poetry. Such as the experiences through the eyes of a child, what they feel, see, hear, and touch; to an aging adult, and all of their feeling experiences from their aching joints to their failing eyesight, how hard each movement becomes. How precious each moment is to each of them, whether realized or not.

Poetry Prompt: Write about that moment of time between sleeping and waking when your body goes from seemingly being numb to fully feeling and awake. Describe your breath, your movements, how your body feels, and the sounds that you can hear around you. Are you excited to be awake? Are you dreading the day? Is there awareness that enters you that sends feelings shooting through your body now or in sometime in your life?

Word Prompt: Morning

Sentence Starter: When I wake up...


My morning begins...

Or a third option

Before I open my eyes...

I have always found that time between waking and sleep to be very special. I hope you find the wonder in it and share it on the page. Please visit your neighboring poets, leave them encouragement in their comments, and share them with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. Do come back and link up your poem so that we may share in your experience. If you don't have a blog you can create a doc in our file on the Facebook Writing Poetry Group

Quotes about Poetry
I found this magical site for spreading and encouraging poetry. How can you help to encourage poetry in others?

Always remember... I.Believe.In.You!

Morgan Dragonwillow

Thank you for sharing and recommending before you leave.


  1. I feel like Mary Oliver sometimes in my deep, profound love for morning. I wrote primarily to the prompt... but realize it was more about my children's moment between awake and sleep... and my experiences right before... THANK YOU for such a fabulous prompt, my beloved partner in poetry! (People might think I knew what your prompt was before just now, but I didn't! This poem wrote itself and I know I will have a lot of editing later!)

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed it! I ruminated on what prompt to use during the day yesterday. I was thinking about the senses because of your prompts, then morning and waking came to mind and all the different experiences we each have as we move from slumber to drinking our favorite beverage and being ready for the day. I was tantalized by the possibilities. :D


Your words feed the hearts of the poets who lovingly volunteer to share their passion for poetry with you.

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