Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Writing Poetry Tip 19 - Dance to Stir Your Creativity

Not feeling in the mood to write poetry? Movement can increase your creativity exponentially. Put your movement to music and you have a recipe for getting your juices flowing onto the page. Whenever I am feeling stuck in writing poetry I put on fun music and dance out what needs letting go of and dance in the intention for my words to flow onto the page.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
"Cognitive scientists describe creativity as fluid thought. Drawing from findings on gesture and embodied cognition, we hypothesized that the physical experience of fluidity, relative to nonfluidity, would lead to more fluid, creative thought."

Tip Nineteen: Choose one to three pieces of music that create the feelings you want for clearing and setting intentions for your poetry and dance. They can be fast or slow, whatever is needed to set the right tone for you.

When I take the time to begin my day with dance, the ideas for my writing flow like water in a stream, fluidly, smoothly onto the page. When I don't dance or at minimum go for a walk, I feel sluggish and though I can still write it feels more like a struggle to find the words I need to clearly communicate my ideas onto the page.

Your body is meant to move. Not only is it good for your health it is good for your creativity. If you are feeling stuck a great way to get unstuck is to dance. Have fun dancing and writing your poetry.

Only 5 days left until we begin the Poetry Month. Sign up for OctPoWriMo to make sure you are in the Poetry blog hop from the beginning! 

Have you ever used movement to increase your creativity?


  1. Awesome stuff this morning! Even watching dance is helpful to me. Walking? I have been known to call it brain drano.

    Woot Woot for Movin' Movin' and Groovin' Groovin'... and I'm thinking my kids would be humiliated if they knew I wrote that!

    1. I realized I had forgotten the actual tip so I went back in and added it. I'm glad you enjoyed this tip! Dancing is my favorite thing to do to open to my creative muse.

      I don't think your kids would be humiliated, they might groan and then laugh that their mom is and can be silly. My daughters often thought I was silly with my music, dancing, and speech. Hey, whatever we can do to help them laugh! LOL!

  2. What a fun dance! Makes me wanna get up and hop around the house to some upbeat music. Hey - I think I will!

    Happy #ArchiveDay! Thanks for turning me onto a new hashtag & sharing this wonderful post! :)


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