Monday, September 28, 2020

OctPoWriMo 2020 - First Prompts

 OctPoWriMo begins on Thursday and I'm very behind in getting things ready. Lots going on in my life, as usual, but here are the first week's prompts for those who need them ahead of time.

I will be coming back daily, beginning Oct. 1st, to write into each prompt, and I'll be sharing photos, word prompts, poetry types and more.

Remember, our prompts are only suggestions, you can find your inspiration wherever your muse leads you. Please visit the other participants, share the hashtag, #OctPoWriMo on social media, and share your link in the comments below. Let us know how this journey into poetry is going for you and if this is your first year or if you have been with us from the beginning.

Morgan Dragonwillow, author of 
Wild Woman Waking & Dancing within Shadow, is a Bodywork transformer, dancing poet, motivator of words, magical instigator and creatrix of #OctPoWriMo & #PoetsonthePage. Please visit her Patreon page 
to discover more of her words, art, and prompts, including her uncensored self.


  1. Morgan, thank you for this. I am reposting on the Writers of Kern Facebook page, hoping some of our fine poets will jump in to OctPoWriMo this year. xoA <3

  2. Thank you for hosting this event, much appreciated.

  3. Thank you Morgan. Was waiting eagerly for this challenge in these challenging times. <3

  4. Looking forward to it. I'm doing too much as usual, and none of it pays very well, as usual.

  5. Is it bad that I wrote two poems already..?

  6. I wrote poems every day in November for /years/ before I discovered this community I think two years ago? Glad to be back and looking forward to reading everyone's work!

  7. Greetings! It's time to resurrect my website. I'll post there for the challenge. I look forward to getting back to writing poetry. It has been awhile.

  8. I'm in!


  10. I have a feeling this isn't where I'm supposed to be posting my poems for the daily prompts as I don't see anyone else doing so. Where should I be posting?

  11. I can't believe I wrote this this morning and forgot to post it..


Your words feed the hearts of the poets who lovingly volunteer to share their passion for poetry with you.

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