Wednesday, September 9, 2020

OctPoWriMo 2020

 It is that time of the year again when the weather, hopefully, is growing cooler and some are getting out their fall decorations. Which means... OctPoWriMo is coming up just around the corner on October 1st.

Photo by MDragonwillow

If you are new to OctPoWriMo, it is writing 31 poems in 31 days. We will be posting prompts daily beginning October 1st and you can choose to follow the prompt or find your inspiration elsewhere. When you have a poem up on your blog or posted on another site, come back to that day's post and leave a comment with a link back to your poem. 

After you post your comment hop on over to read and comment on other participants poetry. Remember to be kind and say something you like about the poem in their comment section. All are welcome to participate, from new to poetry to people who have been writing for years.

You don't have to post your poem online to participate, but we would love to hear from you in the comment section on how your words, your poems, are coming along.

Until October 1st, feel free to roam through previous years of OctPoWriMo and if you create any warm up poetry, I hope you'll come back and share in the comments so we can check it out. 

Remember,  play with your words until you breathe life into them!


Morgan Dragonwillow 

Read, Dance, Write, Repeat.


  1. I'm excited to hopefully start writing again!

  2. I've been doing OctPo for two years now, I'm excited for a third! :D Plus, it's going to break up the monotony quite nicely.

  3. Excited to participate again this year!


Your words feed the hearts of the poets who lovingly volunteer to share their passion for poetry with you.

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