Sunday, October 27, 2013

Poetry Prompt Day 27 - Get Your Rhyme On

I get in a mood and I love to play with rhyme. Pull out those rhyming dictionaries or pull up the RhymeZone and let's have some fun.

Something magically inspiring.
For this poetry prompt I chose several different rhyming formats from Shadow Poetry with each subsequent poetry type increasing in difficulty. You can choose to do one, two, or all three. Or you can choose to do none of them and decide to do something else entirely.

Rhyme Prompt One - Monorhyme

Rhyme Prompt TwoDuo-Rhyme

Rhyme Prompt Three - Diatelle

Word Prompt: Daring

Remember that these are suggestions only and you can choose to find your inspiration for your poetry wherever it may be.

1 comment:

  1. Great prompt! Had fun doing the diatelle! Thanks.


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